Wednesday, February 23, 2011

saya join bloglist Falia Shazana


tengs falia coz invite me to join your bloglist..
really appreciate this..

i decide to join since i'm free today...
baru je lepas 3 test..
so take a rest for next test this friday..
wish me luck..

ok2 back to the main topic..
syarat nk join this bloglist nie:

  • buat entry saya join bloglist falia shazana- DONE

  • letak header falia shazana..
jap eak baru nak letak..

  • next letak my pic bersaiz tepat...

i used this pic..
  • pastu jgn lupa linkkan this entry to Falia Shazana punya blog..^_^ 
dh siap dh..n tengs again coz inviting me..>_<

Monday, February 21, 2011

gambar yg dah sy ttp nk letak jgak...


gambar basi yg sy mksudkan 2 sbnarnya...
jeng jeng jeng *kasi suspen skit

gmbar konvo sy la..
tao knpa sy kata gambar nie gambar basi..??
sbbnya gmbar ini diambil masa blan 12 thun lpas..
6hb 12..
klau mkanan 2 mmg basi thap gaban dh la..
dh 2 bulan dh...
sy pon bru je dpat gambar nie from my mmber..
dia tlong ambikkan..

nie ada lagi 1..

p/s:nseb baek dua2 gmbar elok...i loiike...>_<

Sunday, February 20, 2011

berakhir minggu yg memenatkan...


alhamdulillah minggu nie pnya schedule dh selesai...
lepas je tkar jdual klaz managerial eco yg ari jumaat pkul 10
ke hari rabu ptang rase cm jdual pack sgt2..
klo x free la jgk ptg selasa dgn ptg rabu..
skrang ptg selasa je bleh rest..
hari lain jgn harap la..

ok dpendekan cerita mgu nie ad 2 test..
weekend plk 2..
ari sbtu test malaysia derivatives..
then ahad plak test econometrics..
kepala pon dh skit sbb tak cukup tido..

tp semua itu sudah berakhir..
next week pny test hold kjap..
nk restkan otak kjap..
eh2 bdan pon tak lupa jgak..
cian dye pnat..
dah 4 hari jlan dr kampus blik rumah..
dr rumah pegi kampus..

semlam me n my roomate pegi cycling..
raound2 tman sri wang..
bg kluar peluh sket..
lama tak naik beskal
akibatnya lembut lutut den..ehehhe

jom2 ptg nie nek beskal dgan sy...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

did you know???


  • There are more than 40,000 characters in the Chinese script.

  • On average, men are 40% muscle and 15% fat; women are 23% muscle and 25% fat

  • Urine and tears have the same basic ingredients

  • Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die.

  •  It cost 7 million dollars to build the Titanic and 200 million to make a film about it

  • The Titanic was the first ship to use the SOS signal.

  • The glossy look to lipstick comes from fish scales, which are iridescent

  • Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die.

  • 40% of McDonald's profits come from the sales of Happy Meals.

  • Your body weight is lower at 9 A.M. than at any other time of the day.

  • No one can drown in the Dead Sea. It is 25 percent salt, which makes the water very heavy.

  • Plants watered with warm water grow larger and more quickly than plants watered with cold water.

  • Children who are breastfed tend to have an I.Q. seven points higher than children who are not.

  • Every day 200 million couples make love, 400,000 babies are born, and 140,000 people die.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

ini adalah cerita benar..


1st of sudah menukar title blog saya..
dari ke gadis biasa..
sbb sememangnya sy hanyalah gadis biasa..tehee
tidak ada yang tidak biasa melainkan yang biasa2 saja..
sbb musabab sy tukar title blog nie adalah
masa sy blogwalking sy ad jumpa satu blog yg pkai title mcam ni..
tp arrangement perkataan tu lain la..
maunye tak sama..
that common words right..?
maka setelah dipikir2..dapat la gadis biasa..
tu je yang sy mmpu nak pikir buat masa sekarang..
gadis biasa ok..not gadis semasa..
itu yuna yang punya..

ok2 nie nak share sikit pasal diri sy..
yeah diri seorang gadis yang bernama siti aisyah bt che lah..
haa siap dengan nama bapak sy letak..^_^

sy kah itu.?
ohh tidak sama sekali
nehi nehi kabhi nehi..*speaking hindustan pulok
seumur hidup sy sekali pon sy tak penah nk derma darah nih...
sbbnya sy tkot jarum..
tengok jarum...
mak aih besaunye lah..
mmg xsanggup cek..
tgk pon seriau..
bila ad blood donation kt kampus macam2 alasan cek bagi..
sebenarnya penakut..huhu
berat xcukup la..
padahal berat tu dh lebih dari cukup dh..

ada sekali tu sy teman mmber nk derma darah..
masa nurse tu nk cucuk jarum
automatik kpla sy pndang lain..
seriau aih nk tgk..
nk tgk darah jenis apa pon tkot..
so sy tak tao sy nie darah A,B,AB or O..
tak pe lah..nanti2 la sy check..

tu saja dr sy:bdak takut jarum >_<