Tuesday, August 31, 2010

today's xtvt

1st of all i would like to wish slmat myambut hari kemerdekaan y ke bpe..????
xtao eak,,,ke 53 la...
1 malaysia, menjana transformasi...
transformasi pew 2 eak..???
hmm pkir la sndiri...
sy pon xtao...hehehe
*bajet cam tao jew

dh2 tgalkan psal merdeka 2....
nie sy nk cite psal xtvt sy ari nie...
memandangkan ari nie public holiday mmg xlekat kt umah la...
actually ari nie sy ad claz gnti for BEL n QMT but u know what...
it has been canceled....
alangkah gemiranya rase ati..=))
so that mean presentation BEL will be afta raya....
horay...sonok banget...
pg nie bgun agk lmbat...
xyah ckap la pkul bpe...malu la...hehhehe
lpas mndi me wif my housemate plan nk kuar g kgr...
kteowg kuar lpas zuhur...
g nek teksi jew...
smpai jew kteowg trus window shopping...
dr stu kdai ke satu kdai...
dr luar the store smpai msuk the store....window shoping jew la...hehehe
muka exited sblom nk kuar..=)
(abaikan keadaan ktil kt blkang 2 eak..)
 2 antara beg y smpat sy rembat..
(but2 tok posing jew..heheh)

2 ksut y kmi try test...comel kan....
pink 2 kaki sy n y putih 2 kaki housemate sy a.k.a dija...
(ad jgk ksut len y nk m'interframekan diri eak.)

sblum nk blek 2 smpat la sy rembat shelai long dress kler putih...
cantikk...ps2 kit kat n choc n xlupa maybe its maybeline..heheh
sy beli maskara maybeline....

dh abez window shoping n dh xlrat nk jlan ktorg pon nek bas blek....
dh smpai dpan RPA xtao plk nk beli pew tok b'buka...
xtao nk mkn pew...
last2 sy rembat nasi ayam n samosa...
2 jew....ala kdar sudah kan2...

mlam pnya xtvt ialah merajinkan diri tok stdy...
yela sok mlam ad test QMT...
klo xde test xdew mknenye nk stdy...heheh
mlaz tol sy nie kan....

k la nk smbung stdy blek...
tata titi tutu..=)

Friday, August 27, 2010

home sweet home

this week sy blek ag...yehooo
*mlompat2 sprti kera mdapt bunga
haish ad plk smekan org ngan kera..hehehe
ok2 dh jgn nk mlalut2...
smlm abez jew claz CF a.k.a corporate finance
sy trus jew blek...
kiranye dh bwak brg siap2 dr umah...  
sb claz abez lmbt at 6.30 p.m so sy decide tok trus jew blek dr uni...
then smpai jew kt gate B tkezut brok gk la blek tgk rmai gler student y nk blek...
*bjet cm sy sowg jew ad umah kn...uhuk2
then tgk plk tmpat prking teksi 2 ksong jew...
dlm hati mcm dh dok pk..
monolog dalaman sy:
kul bpe ak nk nek bas nie...
wtnye tlpas bas cm ne...
n mcm2 ag la...
tgu pny tgu pny tgu pny tgu...
haishh bpe byk tgu daa..hehe
last dpt gk teksi...2 dh kul 6.15 p.m dh...
dh dpt teksi igt dlm kul 6.30 2 smpai la kt kgar...
but u know what???
mst la u oll don't know sb i xstory ag...hehhe
wt lwaak plk...
ok2 continue our story, pak cik teksi 2 ikot jln joh...
dye xikot jln y slalu 2...
at last smpai kgr kul 6.50..
lmbat gler kn...6.15 nek teksi smpai kul 6.50..
pdahal arau ngan kgar 2 xla joh mne pon...
then ak nek bas kul 7.20...
b'buka atas bas jew...heheh
then tgu adik sy dtg amek sorg2...
brani x sy..???
wt2 brani jew pdhal dlm ati tuhan jew y tao..
dh la kt ci2 ad owg gila...
b'tambah cuak la sy...
nseb bek la xlama pas 2 adik sy dtg..
pew ag trus la blek umah...
dh rndu gler kt umah....
n xlupa jgk mak...
miss u mum...

yang pnat menulis:siti eyesya che lah =)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the beauty of a woman

girls r not prizes to be displayed,
they r not objects to be seen,
they r not competitors to be won,
they r not unintelligent to be looked down on,
they r not toys to be played with,
they r not garbage to be thrown away,

but instead,
girls r flowers to be appreciated,
they r human to be considered,
they r gold to be valued,
they r fragile as glass to be handle carefully,
they r the important backbone to support,
and they r among the smartest people in this world.

the beauty of the woman:

is not the clothes she wears....
the figures that she carries....
or the way she combs her hair....
or the style she does the make up...

the beauty of a woman:

must be seen in her Hijab...
and her eyes....
bcoz that is the doorway to her heart
the place....where the love resides...

the beauty of a woman:

is not in a facial mole...
but true beauty in a woman...
is reflected in her soul...
the beauty in a woman is in her modesty...
and her real glamour of her is her honesty...
it is the caring that she lovingly gives...
the passion that she shows..
and the beauty of a woman, with passing years-only grows!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010


smalm time news yg agak mngejutkan...
mak cik tuan umah tmpat ak mnyewa 2 dh meninggal...
mmg ak tkeju abez r....
mlm smlam lpas mak ak blek trawih dye gtao...
xt'kate ak...
sblom 2 mak ngah dh try kol ak tp xdpt..
ye la nset rosak...
mmg la xley nk kol..
pg nie trus ak blek kt cini...
smpat la tgk jnzah...
xsmpat ak ngan dija nk mnx mf kt dye...
ktowg byk gk la wt slah kt dye...
sbb sblom nie ktowg ad mrah dye....
tp nk wt ne dh tkdir cm 2...
smoga roh mak cik dicucuri rahmat dan dtmpatkan dklangn org biman...